David Corbett


Publicity & Supporting Material

Flyer for exhibition that featured my work for June

Performed drum improvisation with "Cat and Fridge"

Sub Edited Poetry and contributed my own Prose / Poetry work. Co organised launch night.

Co curated this event on MS Stubnitz

Performance with Tad Tomlinson as "Thee M25's" on MS Stubnitz

Performed at and co organised this event

Contributed Text / Photography Triptych as part of Random Artists group show.

Performed as "Algortihmic Garden Furniture" and designed promotional material.

Performed as "DJ twoandahalfminutes", co organised and designed promotional material for this event.

Performed as "Algortihmic Garden Furniture"

Performed as "Sergeant Sir Ringe" and co organised this event.

Performed as "Algortihmic Garden Furniture"

Created "Sound Collaboratory" with Al Cree (Minaximal). For duration with nightly performances.

Created "Sound Collaboratory" with Al Cree (Minaximal). For duration with nightly performances.

From COSTART residency at Loughborough university's Creativity and Cognition Lab.

Up Next:

‘Perrywinkles for Muhama’